Burbank is in Stage III of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance
Southern California is an arid climate, and drought cycles will happen. That’s why Burbank’s City Council adopted the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance. The ordinance provides important procedures to reduce water use Citywide to mitigate the effects of water resources when California is in a drought. Burbank is currently in Stage III of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance. California residents have been asked to engage in a 15% voluntary reduction of their water use. This is an achievable goal! BWP has a variety of programs and rebates you can participate in to reduce your water usage.
Watering Schedule
- Burbank is currently in Stage III of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance.
- This means outdoor watering is limited to Tuesdays and Saturdays only, between April 1st and October 31st.
- Low volume (including drip) irrigation systems are exempt from the 15-minute time restriction but must comply with the two days per week watering rule.
- Attended hand watering is allowed any day, before 9 am or after 6 pm.
- The Sustainable Water Use Ordinance does not apply to recycled water.

Statewide Emergency Water Conservation Regulation
Watering decorative grass is prohibited on commercial properties and common areas of homeowner’s associations.
On June 10, 2022, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted an emergency water conservation regulation in response to the current drought. The regulation bans the use of potable water on decorative or non-functional grass at commercial, industrial, institutional properties, and common areas managed by homeowners’ associations throughout California. Businesses that use recycled water are not subject to this regulation.
The new regulation defines non-functional turf as a ground cover surface of mowed grass that is solely ornamental and not otherwise used for human recreation purposes. In addition to not applying to residences, non-functional turf does not include school fields, sports fields, and areas regularly used for civic or community events.
Customers must comply with this regulation or they will be in violation of the state’s order. More information about the regulation, including a list of frequently asked questions, can be found on the State Water Resources Control Board’s website.
The new regulation defines non-functional turf as a ground cover surface of mowed grass that is solely ornamental and not otherwise used for human recreation purposes. In addition to not applying to residences, non-functional turf does not include school fields, sports fields, and areas regularly used for civic or community events.
Customers must comply with this regulation or they will be in violation of the state’s order. More information about the regulation, including a list of frequently asked questions, can be found on the State Water Resources Control Board’s website.
Stages of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance

Stage I of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance
Stage I of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance, which limits outdoor watering to three days a week on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Watering on these days is allowed before 9 am or after 6 pm and up to 15 minutes per irrigation station. Hand watering is allowed any day of the week. Adjust sprinkler systems and irrigation systems to eliminate overspray and avoid run-offs into streets, sidewalks, parking lots, alleys, and other paved surfaces.

Stage II of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance
Burbank is on Stage II of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance, which includes all of the measures from Stage I with some minor adjustments. The three days a week outdoor watering on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday apply only during the months of April through October. During the cooler months of November to March, watering is allowed on Saturdays only, before 9 am or after 6 pm, and up to 15 minutes per irrigation station. In addition, refilling an artificial or ornamental body of water that does not use recycled water is prohibited at this stage.

Burbank is on Stage III of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance
Stage III of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance limits outdoor watering to two days a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays between the months of April - October and on Saturdays only between the months of November - March. Low volume irrigation systems are exempt from the 15-minute time restriction but must comply with the two days per week watering rule. In this stage, all of the measures in Stage II of the ordinance apply. The use of outdoor evaporative cooling devices, such as misters, is prohibited at this stage. Swimming pools, wading pools, and spas must also be covered when not in use.

Stages IV-VI of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance
If Burbank is not able to sufficiently mitigate water shortages through Stages I-III of the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance, more aggressive measures can be enacted up to Stage VI. You can learn more about the requirements in Stages IV-VI in the Sustainable Water Use Ordinance.
Water Waste Citations
Failure to comply with Burbank’s watering rules may result in a fine. Fines are $100 for the first violation, $200 for the second violation, and $500 for every violation thereafter.

Report Water Waste
Please fill out our online form to report any observed water waste to BWP. We will contact customers to address water waste reports. Please allow up to three weeks for the violation reported to be addressed. If the violation continues after three weeks, please submit a new request.

Received a Citation?
If you have received an administrative citation for water waste, you can request for an appeal hearing to contest the violation. Please download and complete the City of Burbank Request for Appeal Hearing form and return it to BWP at 164 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, CA 91502.