California Utilities Required to Meet Public Benefit Obligation
On January 1, 1998, California's electric deregulation law -- Assembly Bill 1890 (AB 1890) -- went into effect. One element of AB 1890 is referred to as "Public Benefits." Public Benefits is a requirement of all California electric utilities that 2.85% of annual electric retail rate revenues to be spent in at least one of four areas:
- Low Income Programs
- Energy-Efficiency and Conservation Programs
- Renewable Energy
- Research, Development and Demonstration Projects
Every year, Burbank and other publicly owned utilities work with the Southern California Public Power Authority and California Municipal Utilities Association (CMUA) to produce a report showing all the Public Benefits-funded energy efficiency programs, budgets and expenditures. This “California POU Energy Efficiency Report” can be viewed on the CMUA website.
We appreciate hearing from our customers! If you would like to offer us an opinion or improvement suggestion for our Public Benefits programs, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].