Budget Billing Program
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Who is Eligible?
The Budget Billing Program is available to BWP customers who have at least 12 months of excellent credit with BWP and a zero balance at the time of sign-up. You can sign in to your online account or contact Customer Service at (818) 238-3700 to see if you're eligible for the program.

How the Program Works
BWP will calculate the monthly average of your past 12 months of electric and water use totals to determine what your monthly Budget Billing amount will be for the next 12 months. Waste management, sewer, and other charges are excluded from this calculation and are charged separately on your bill.

Getting a New Budget Billing Amount
After being on the program for 12 months you'll receive a new Budget Billing amount based on your actual electric and water use. If your original billing amount was $100 per month but your actual usage over the year totaled an average of $110 per month, your new Budget Billing amount would be $120 for the next 12 months.

Charges Excluded from the Program
Waste management and sewer charges and other fees/taxes are billed monthly as separate line items and are not included in the Budget Billing amount. Delinquent accounts will be removed from the program. If you'd like to leave the program early, you'll need to pay the total amount owed on the account by the next bill due date.