Financial Help
We are your community-owned utility and work to always be there for you. If you are having difficulty paying your bill for any reason, please reach out to us. We are here to help.
(818) 238-3700
[email protected]
See the categories below for financial assistance programs offered by BWP.
(818) 238-3700
[email protected]
See the categories below for financial assistance programs offered by BWP.

Utility Bill Payment Arrangements
For all our customers: If you are having trouble paying your bill, we want to help. You don’t need to leave your home to set up a payment arrangement. You can use the Online Account Manager or call Customer Service at (818) 238-3700 during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, between 8 AM and 5 PM.)
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Register > Sign In >
Income-Eligible Financial Assistance Programs

Burbank Utility Service Subsidy (BUSS) Program
The BUSS Progam offers an ongoing 12% discount on electric service to income-qualified residents. Most participants will have an average savings of $90-180 per year on their electric bills.
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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is a federally-funded program that offers eligible applicants with a credit ranging between $152-1000 towards their utility bills. It is administered by two providers. Interested customers may contact them directly to determine eligibility and to apply.
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Project Share
Apply for Project Share
Our Project Share program provides payment assistance of up to $100 in the form of a bill credit to income-qualified customers. Rather than collect the application in person, interested customers may now leave the application at the BWP Administration Building dropbox or the Burbank Temporary Aid Center (BTAC) dropbox. Applications and supporting documentation may also be mailed to BTAC directly at 1304 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506.
Please provide physical copies of the following documents for all members living in your household:
Completed Application: All household members must be listed on the application. Make sure to completely fill out, sign and date the application.
BWP Bill: A Copy of your most recent BWP bill showing your account number and past due amount.
Driver's License/Picture ID/Birth Certificate: A copy of a state-issued photo ID for all adults living in the household, and a copy of a Birth Certificate for all children living in the household.
Two Most Recent Bank Statements: All adults in the household 18 and older must provide copies of checking and savings bank statements for the last 2 months.
Current Paystubs: All adults in the household 18 and older must provide copies of two months of current paystubs.
Most Recent Income Tax Returned Filed: All adults in the household 18 and older must provide the most recent income tax return filed.
All Other Financial Assistance Documentation: All adults in the household 18 and older must provide proof of all income received (SSI, SSDI, VA Pension, Cal Fresh, CAPPA, award letters, etc.)
Get the Project Share Application >
Donate to Project Share
Generous customers and donors provide Project Share funds. There are three ways to contribute: one-time donation, monthly donation, and participating in the Bill Round-Up program.
Donate to Project Share >
Our Project Share program provides payment assistance of up to $100 in the form of a bill credit to income-qualified customers. Rather than collect the application in person, interested customers may now leave the application at the BWP Administration Building dropbox or the Burbank Temporary Aid Center (BTAC) dropbox. Applications and supporting documentation may also be mailed to BTAC directly at 1304 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506.
Please provide physical copies of the following documents for all members living in your household:
Completed Application: All household members must be listed on the application. Make sure to completely fill out, sign and date the application.
BWP Bill: A Copy of your most recent BWP bill showing your account number and past due amount.
Driver's License/Picture ID/Birth Certificate: A copy of a state-issued photo ID for all adults living in the household, and a copy of a Birth Certificate for all children living in the household.
Two Most Recent Bank Statements: All adults in the household 18 and older must provide copies of checking and savings bank statements for the last 2 months.
Current Paystubs: All adults in the household 18 and older must provide copies of two months of current paystubs.
Most Recent Income Tax Returned Filed: All adults in the household 18 and older must provide the most recent income tax return filed.
All Other Financial Assistance Documentation: All adults in the household 18 and older must provide proof of all income received (SSI, SSDI, VA Pension, Cal Fresh, CAPPA, award letters, etc.)
Get the Project Share Application >
Donate to Project Share
Generous customers and donors provide Project Share funds. There are three ways to contribute: one-time donation, monthly donation, and participating in the Bill Round-Up program.
Donate to Project Share >

Lifeline Program
The Lifeline program offers income-qualified customers a reduced rate and exemptions from the monthly customer service charge and Utility User’s Tax. Applications are accepted by mail. They can also be dropped off at our lobby Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 5 PM.
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