Burbank Operable Unit (BOU) Remediation System Upgrades Project
The City of Burbank has prepared a Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration to address the environmental effects of the proposed BOU Remediation System Upgrades Project. The BOU is a water treatment plant that cleans water from the aquifers.
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
The BOU Remediation System Upgrades Project includes the construction and operation of one new extraction well, two replacement extraction wells, and conveyance pipelines connecting the new and replacement extraction wells to the existing BOU Treatment Plant, piezometers associated with the new and replacement extraction wells, an intertie pipeline connecting the Burbank Water and Power potable water distribution system and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power New River Supply Conduit, installation of additional treatment units in the existing BOU Treatment Plant, and minor modifications and upgrades to eight existing BOU remediation system extraction wells.
The proposed Project is located south of the Hollywood Burbank Airport within the cities of Los Angeles and Burbank. Burbank is the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act.