Landscape Design and Home Water Use Assistance
Ready to replace your water-thirsty lawn with a beautiful landscape? Our landscape design templates will help you get ideas for your landscape transformation project. You can also schedule your no-cost water use assessment to identify ways to save water.
Landscape Design Templates
How it Works
Our landscape design templates will help you get ideas for your landscape transformation project. These landscape designs support low-water use gardens that thrive in California’s climate and during drought. You can also receive rebates for turf removal and efficient irrigation equipment to complete your project. Visit SoCalWater$mart’s page to find out more.

Color Blast Garden
Let your eyes go on a visually rich journey with the Color Blast Garden. This garden design has something in bloom all year round and gives your yard a burst of color. The landscape's meandering lines will draw all your neighbors' attention and admiration and show how exciting water-efficient landscaping can be.
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Burbank Garden
This garden is a throwback to classic Hollywood, movie studios, and travel days and pays homage to our city’s rich history. The Burbank Garden incorporates symmetry, height, and color elements, accenting the traditional Burbank bungalow-style home. This garden also brings in a modern feel with sharp lines that help define the boundaries of the landscape.
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Edible Plants Garden
Take a bite out of California with the multi-use Edible Garden that will provide unique flavors that accent your tastebuds and add a dynamic look to your yard. Make sure you try the lemonade berry. You will not be disappointed!

Scented Garden
Let your nose be your guide through the Scented Garden. The plants in the Scented Garden will remind you of walking on your favorite California walking trail. This garden features modern rock accents that create multiple focal points throughout the new landscape.

Low Water Use and Maintenance Garden
For those interested in water conservation with minimal maintenance, the Low Water Use and Maintenance Garden is worth considering. This garden boasts a variety of low water use plants while maintaining the look of a well-manicured landscape. Incorporating diverse rock sizes and styles, it provides unique textures for a natural landscape.
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Native Plants Garden
Take a tour of the stunning native plants that California has to offer without leaving the comfort of your yard. This Native Plants Garden saves water, provides habitat for pollinators, and helps preserve our local ecosystems. Be the first in your neighborhood to return your garden to its natural state.

Pollinators Garden
Bring the flora and fauna back into your garden! Pollinators are essential to the health of California's diverse ecosystems. Many of the plants we see rely on these pollinators to thrive, and pollinators are the very foundation of our food web and all other life. Make your yard a helping hand to California while beautifying your garden and controlling its pest problems!
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Schedule Your Free Home Water Use Survey
The Metropolitan Water District, BWP’s water supplier, offers free virtual and in-person indoor/outdoor surveys that provide customers with recommendations to improve water use efficiency. To schedule, apply here: https://www.waterefficiencysurvey.com/
Questions about the program can be directed to: [email protected]
Track Water Use
You can track your water use and set leak alerts by signing up on the WaterSmart website. It's free, and it only takes a minute.
Additional Incentives
We offer several programs and services to help you save water. Check out WaterSmart's water-saving rebates page for details.