BWP is Once Again Recognized as a National Leader in Public Power Reliability
As your community-owned utility, we understand every second counts. You depend on us to power your home and business, and we're committed to that responsibility.

BWP Earns Diamond Level Designation from APPA
The American Public Power Association has once again awarded Burbank Water and Power the Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3)® designation. This three-year designation recognizes our commitment to providing reliable and safe electric service, achieved through proficiency in reliability, safety, workforce development, and system improvement. Burbank Water and Power joins more than 250 public power utilities nationwide that hold this prestigious RP3 designation.

Dedicated Professionals Providing Reliable Service

BWP has been Recognized by an Outside Third Party as a National Leader in Electric Reliability
The American Public Power Association (APPA) has awarded BWP with the Diamond Level Designation, the highest possible score of 100/100 points, in recognition of the outstanding reliable electric service provided to the Burbank community.

Power Outages Make Us Feel Vulnerable and Frustrated

RP3 Designation: A Mark of Excellence in Public Power Reliability
The American Public Power Association's Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) program sets rigorous standards for safe and reliable electric service. This designation is earned; it is not a "rubberstamp program, with only 271 of the nation's 2,000+ public power utilities achieving this recognition. It involves a demanding application process and expert review, ensuring only the most committed utilities receive this honor.