Solar Net Billing Program and Rate Info
BWP has a strategic objective of aligning rates with costs and balancing affordability and sustainability. NEM 1.0, the current rate program, overvalues the energy that customers export to the grid, and when BWP overpays for electricity, that cost is spread to non-solar customers. The overvaluation of energy due to NEM 1.0 is inherent to the structure of NEM 1.0, as NEM 1.0 uses a solar credit system, which means the value of solar energy equals the retail rate of energy.
For residential customers on the tiered rate, the rate is 14.71 – 22.49 cents. BWP has calculated the value of customer-generated solar energy, called the Avoided Cost of Energy (ACOE), and it is worth between 6.66 and 11.56 cents, depending on the time of day it is delivered to the grid. So, why is the ACOE less than the retail rate? It's because energy sent to the grid by solar customers doesn't carry the other costs to serve that the utility does.
Retail rates must cover everything that BWP provides to its customers – reliability, grid maintenance, billing, customer service, and all other operating costs. When a customer sends solar energy to the grid, it doesn't eliminate those additional costs to the utility. So, under the new rate, BWP will compensate customers for the cost that has been saved, which is the cost of the solar energy itself, plus its renewable attribute.
Therefore, to meet BWP’s strategic objective of aligning rates with costs, NEM must change. The solar net billing rate is the best option for meeting that objective, and it is aligned with industry best practices for developing a NEM successor program.