Protect Yourself Against Scams
Scammers are working hard to impersonate BWP. Many of these individuals are very good at deception and know a lot of tricks to seem legitimate. When in doubt, call BWP! (818) 238-3700
There Is No Such Thing As Free Solar
Solar installation is always your decision. BWP will never send anyone door-to-door to offer services.
Water Testing Scam
BWP does not go door-to-door testing water quality. However, you can have your water tested at any time by the link below.
Beware of New Scams and Fake Services
There will always be new scams to look out for, and BWP will always provide an alert through our site and social media. While this list can never be comprehensive, look out for anyone rushing you with threats and trying to pressure you into making a quick decision without thinking. Forged BWP letterhead, tree trimming, air conditioner tune-ups, and solar installation are only a few of the possible fake services you may encounter. Remember that BWP and our contractors will never ask you to pay for their services. If you feel threatened in any way by someone at your property claiming to represent BWP, dial (818) 238-3000 for police assistance.
Learn more about scams
Watch videos to learn more about popular scams in Burbank.
Burbank Police PSA
See three of the most common phone scams in Burbank.
Listen to a scam
Professional scammers sound legitimate. Hear it for yourself!