Project update: Repaving will begin June 13, 2024. This will be followed by striping, installation of traffic detection loops at intersections, and related activities. PAVECO will perform the work, and residents will see “no parking” signs posted as needed.

Underground Construction Project for the Willow Substation
Construction on the Underground Conduits
Starts in March 2023
The substation is still in the planning/design phase, but there is work that can be done now to prepare for the new substation.

Construction of the underground electrical lines in City streets will begin in March 2023. The map below shows the construction area. The working hours will be Monday through Friday from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm. Street lane closures will be generally limited to 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Underground Conduit Construction Area
The new substation will be built at 228 S. Naomi St in 2024.
Have a question?
If you have additional questions about the underground construction, please contact the BWP Project Manager, Sven Knauth, by email at [email protected].
Media District Paving
Tentative Schedule
DAY 1 – June 13
- S Frederic Between Olive and Willow
- Alameda Between Florence and Bob Hope
- Alameda Between Buena Vista and Naomi
DAY 1 – June 13
DAY 2 – June 14
- Buena Vista North of Olive
- Naomi From Verdugo to Olive
DAY 3 – June 17
- Verdugo at Naomi
- Naomi From Verdugo to Olive
DAY 3 – June 17
DAY 4 – June 18
- Olive and Alameda
- Olive between Naomi and Frederic
- Florence and Alameda
DAY 5 – June 20
- Alameda Between Bob Hope and Olive
- Olive Between Alameda and California
DAY 5 – June 20
DAY 6 – June 21
Day 6
- Buena Vista North of Alameda Centerlane Only
- Buena Vista and Olive Southbound Lanes
DAY 7 – June 25
Day 7
- Buena Vista and Olive Northbound Lanes
DAY 7 – June 25
DAY 8 – June 26
Day 8
- Olive/California and Olive/Alameda

Willow Substation Rebuild
The Willow Substation Rebuild is Currently
Being Planned and Designed
The Willow Distribution Station Project includes the demolition of the existing substation and construction of a new substation with increased power capacity. The scope of the project includes the construction of the new substation, transmission circuits, and distribution circuits. The new substation will include 69kV Gas-Insulated Switchgear, Power Transformers, and 12kV Air-Insulated Switchgear, with most of the equipment housed inside of two newly constructed CMU enclosures.
The proposed Project is located in the Media District at 228 S Naomi Street. Burbank is the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act.
For questions related to the Willow Substation, please contact BWP Project Manager, Youssef Chedid, by email at [email protected].